
Welcome to Irresistible Hue, where personal style meets personal essence. My name is Heidi Lanier and I am a Certified Color Designer. My design work is based upon the Seasonal Color Analysis developed by Suzanne Caygill in 1942. Additionally, she established the Academy of Color. This specialized system identifies an individual’s personal style and essence based upon one of the four seasons – Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

If you look closely at your hair color, eye color, and skin tone, you will discover that your inherent pigmentation, along with your personality and design preferences, relates to a specific season. And through this unique identification, a customized color palette is created for the selection of clothing, cosmetics, furniture, interior design, and everyday products or merchandise.

Personal Color Analysis presents the opportunity to discover and express your most beautiful, authentic, and empowered self. The Irresistible Hue website highlights both the beauty and purpose for this specialized field.

Heidi Lanier received her Color Design education from Colour Designers International.